Private vs NHS dentist in Lincoln

Looking for a family dentist in Lincoln, but not sure whether you want a basic NHS service, or something a little more thorough? Here at the Dental Health Centre, we offer the best of both worlds. We offer NHS appointments to patients under 18 and for adults, we offer an affordable package, that will include dentist and hygienist appointments, as well as money off specific treatments.

NHS treatment

Some parents don’t arrange dentist appointments for their little ones until they start school, because they don’t understand just how instrumental these early years dentist visits can be in avoiding tooth decay.

How sure are you that your children are brushing their teeth correctly? Or, if they’re not doing it independently yet, how sure are you, that you’ve been brushing their teeth correctly? One third of children already have tooth decay on their first day at school, some of them so badly, that they need corrective treatment at this young age. Also, you might be interested to learn that one of the biggest reasons for children having to have a general anaesthetic in hospital, is as a result of tooth decay! So many unnecessary risks that could so easily have been avoided!

We offer free NHS treatment to children and young adults under the age of 18. We will teach your kids how to brush their teeth effectively, as well as give them regular checkups. Some orthodontic braces up also available on the NHS if you’re eligible.

Private dental services

A private dental appointment is a lot less rushed then an NHS appointment. You’ll get to know your dentist, be able to voice any concerns you have about your teeth and receive a thorough, unhurried answer. As well as providing invaluable treatments, that are simply not available on the NHS, our dentist will have the time to advise you on how to best prevent painful dental problems in the future and consequently avoid the need for you to suffer unnecessary discomfort.

How sure are you that you have the most effective brushing technique? In the UK, only 9% of men and 11% of women have perfect oral health. Consequently 66% of us have plaque that is obvious to the naked eye. Untreated plaque, if you didn’t know, is a major cause of gum disease and gum disease, in its advanced stages, has been linked to heart disease. It’s a very slippery slope to fall down if you choose not to prioritise your dental health.

Private dental treatment that is unavailable on the NHS

  • Teeth whitening – Brighten discoloured teeth with a safe and effective teaching treatment.
  • White Fillings – Colour matched to your teeth for a more discreet look.
  • White Crowns – Cap damaged teeth to prevent further problems.
  • Veneers – Discreet protection for chipped teeth which will transform your smile.
  • Implants – Replace missing teeth with these permanent, comfortable and natural looking alternatives.
  • Braces – Smilelign braces gently and precisely straighten your teeth, whilst appearing almost invisible to others.

For a Lincoln dentist, who can offer you a comprehensive range of dental care at an affordable price, please join our practice by giving us a call, or get in touch using our contact form.