Cosmetic dentistry. Braces v Veneers
When some one asks for a quick fix to make their teeth look better it is easy to jump in and offer veneers or crowns. These are quick and easy and give great results that can be done in a day or at most 3 weeks. The downside is that crowns will need to be replaced after 7 to 20 years. As the gums recede the join between the crown and the tooth becomes a problem up to the point where the crown needs to be replaced. This can be improved by using all ceramic crowns, especially those made of Emax which are both strong, beautiful and having no metal, the dreaded black band that forms around many of the older bonded metal crowns that lots of dentist still use is avoided. Some time crowns or veneers are the best solution to a problem. If the teeth are filled, chipped and discoloured then braces may make the teeth straight but they will still be chipped and discoloured. Sometimes a combination is required of braces to straighten the teeth then veneers or crowns to correct the shape and colour. At the Dental Health Centre because we can provided all of these treatments I feel we can offer you the best solution to your problems. There are many practices where they may offer veneers but not braces so you may be advised that veneers are the best route, some only offer braces and as such would recommend braces. You can see what I am getting at.
In this case we decided on a combination of conventional fixed braces, (although invisible braces could have been used) whitening and a bridge. Other options suggested included an implant, replacing an old crown and replacing an old silver filling. We only provided the care that this patient requested to achieve the result that he required within his budget. After 6 months of fixed braces we whitened the teeth with our Deep Bleaching system. The gaps at the front were closed and the teeth straightened leaving a larger tooth sized gap on the left. A bridge was placed here to complete this transformation.
If you would like change your smile and you are looking for someone you can trust who can deliver great results then come and see us at the Dental Health Centre. Why not request an appointment now?