CLEAR BRACES VS METAL BRACES: Which should you choose?

A common question that many people have when it comes to teeth straightening treatments is “which is better: clear braces or metal braces?” The answer can differ between patients depending on their lifestyle and their desired results. In today’s blog post, our dentists in Grantham outline some of the differences between the two so that you can make an informed decision on which is right for you.

What are clear braces?

As the name states, clear braces are invisible teeth straightening treatment that has had a major increase in popularity in recent years because they are more discreet and less noticeable than the traditional metal braces that we are used to seeing. The most popular type of clear brace is Invisalign, though there are many different types available. The procedure involves a series of custom clear aligners that gradually pull your teeth into place over time.

How do they compare to traditional metal braces?

They are more discreet

A lot of people prefer invisible braces because it’s much harder for other people to tell when you have them in. Many people, especially adults, may feel insecure about their smiles with metal braces. Clear braces are moulded specially to your teeth, so they should fit perfectly and be virtually undetectable.

They can be removed

One of the things that makes clear braces such as Invisalign so revolutionary is that they can be removed. It is recommended that you take out your aligners when eating, drinking (except for water) and brushing your teeth. They can also be removed every once in a while for a special occasion, as long as they are worn for the required 20-22 hours every day.

They are more comfortable

Most clear brace aligners are made from a soft plastic that is moulded to fit your teeth, making them much more comfortable than metal braces that may have sharp edges that scrape against your mouth and gums. With invisible braces, there may be slight discomfort for the first few wears, but this is something you will quickly get used to. There’s also a much smaller risk of clear aligners breaking and causing irritation.

You can still eat your favourite foods

Many people with fixed braces are told to avoid crunchy or chewy foods so they don’t run the risk of damaging their braces. With removable braces, however, you can take them out before eating and continue as normal, so you don’t need to make any dietary changes when starting your treatment.

Do I have any other options?

If you want the strength and reliability of metal fixed braces but you’re worried about the way they might look, ceramic braces may be a good middle-ground for you. They are very similar to the metal fixed braces because they both use a series of wires and brackets to fix your teeth to align and straighten them. The difference is that ceramic braces use clear brackets rather than metal ones, so they are much less noticeable, which is ideal if you want fast results but a more discreet look.

Book with us

Fixed or removable, we have the teeth-straightening solution that’s right for you. Visit our contact page to book your consultation with our dentists in Grantham today to get started.